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Five girls go missing from Joypurhat madrasa

Five students from the residential section of Chaklamua Sahih Sunnah Girls’ Madrasa in Joypurhat’s Kalai upazila went missing since yesterday morning.
The madrasa’s superintendent Feroz Alam filed a complaint with Kalai Police Station in this connection in the afternoon.
The madrasa has around 100 students, with 55 of them residing in its dormitory.
According to a written complaint, the students had dinner and went to bed as usual on Thursday night. At dawn, when the dormitory supervisor, Manjuara Bibi, unlocked the doors for the students to perform Fajr prayers, five of the students went outside, but did not return.
All of them are aged between 10 and 12 years.
Of those missing, one is daughter of the madrasa’s superintendent. Families of the four other missing students have been reached out, but they said the girls did not go home till yesterday evening.
Three of the girls who went missing left behind notes in their trunks, said Feroz Hossain.
The complaint lodged with Kalai Police Station, has been registered as a general diary. Anwar Hossain, inspector (investigation) of the police station, said police are investigating the incident.
